
I had something of a ‘Saul on the road to Damascus’ moment the other day. Things are pretty good.  I’m really beginning to feel that my life is mine again, and I am moving on from everything that has happened over the last six years.  I’m learning to accept that it will never be fair, […]


Inevitably, my decision to hand responsibility for collecting child maintenance from E has created another problem.   But, do you know what?  I’m still massively glad that I did it. The main reason I’m glad is that it means I no longer have to deal with E. The reason it’s a problem is because, well, […]


As I explained in my last post, I finally have complete psychological freedom from E. If this were a movie, I’d have left him in a darkened forest, surrounded by gnarly old trees, twisting vines and grasping roots and, goblin like, he’d be shouting at my disappearing form that he’s still important, still relevant, can […]